Automating the delivery of support tools and resources to patients’ parents & care teams through strategic partnerships with healthcare systems.

Enhancing care and support with innovative, evidence-based, trauma-informed, and child life specialist-based automated solutions tailored for healthcare systems.

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What brings you here?

I'm a child life specialist

Wishing there was a better way to empower families without burning yourself all the way out?

We can help.

I'm a parent

Feeling overwhelmed by your child’s illness, diagnosis, or upcoming medical procedure?

We have resources to support you.

I'm a hospital leader

Budgets, staff, and resources are stretched thin. Want to expand your top-notch care?

We have an app for that.

I'm a pediatrician

You excel at what you do, but you know that comprehensive care goes beyond prescriptions and procedures.

We complement your expertise.

Impact of the Child Life On Call App, Now Called SupportSpot


of users report high satisfaction, appreciating the app’s comprehensive resources and user-friendly interface.


of parent users say the app helped them understand medical procedures and treatment better.


of parents believe the app has contributed to better health outcomes for their child.


of parent users believe the app has made them feel more empowered to advocate for their child in healthcare

Comfort positions

Download the Comfort Positioning Guide



Being close to a trusted adult is powerful. It lessens pain and brings comfort when kids need it most. This guide shows you how to keep kids safe, and help them feel supported, during medical procedures. From the Meg Foundation for Pain and Child Life On Call.

Your download is heading to your inbox now!

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