Exhibit Rules and Regulations

CHARACTER OF THE EXHIBITION: The purpose of the American College of Toxicology exhibit program is to further the education of the registrants by providing an area for Exhibitors to present information about products or services pertinent to the professional interests of meeting attendees. The College reserves the right to determine the eligibility of any company, based on the product or service offered, and the right to restrict, prohibit, or evict any Exhibitor or product that in the opinion of the College detracts from the character of the exhibition or for any violation of the following Rules and Regulations. In the event of such restriction or eviction, the College is not liable for refunding exhibit fees or any other cost incurred by the Exhibitor. Violations of the Rules and Regulations may also result in loss of Exhibitor priority for space in future years.

: After the Priority Points sales process has been completed for previous exhibitors, space assignments are sold on a first-come, first-served basis based on availability. For-profit Booth - Inline $3,000.00;  Corner $3,250.00. The generous booth package includes two Full Registration badges; an 8’ high back and a 3’ high side drape; a 6’ draped table, two chairs, one wastebasket, a 7" x 44" Standard Booth Identification Sign and booth number floor stickers. Nonprofit booth fee: $2,000.00 (for qualified non-profit organizations). The generous booth package includes one Full Registration badge; 8’ high back drape and 3’ high side drape; a 6’ draped table, two chairs, one wastebasket, a 7" x 44" Standard Booth Identification Sign and booth number floor stickers. Nonprofit booths are assigned by ACT after all other booths have been confirmed. Nonprofit organizations who prefer to make their own booth space selection must pay the for-profit rate. The deposit payment must be received at ACT Headquarters with the exhibit space application form to guarantee the reservation of space. The College reserves the right to alter an Exhibitor’s assigned space if it is deemed necessary in the best interest of the exhibitor or meeting. Before exercising such discretion, the College will consult with the Exhibitor. Applications for exhibit space are subject to the approval of the American College of Toxicology Council. If you wish to avoid having your booth adjacent to or opposite another company, please indicate this on the application form. Each Exhibitor will have a listing on the Annual Meeting website, mobile app, and other meeting materials.

BOOTH CANCELLATION POLICY: In the event of booth cancellation, the Exhibitor must notify the College in writing or refunds will not be considered. If a company cancels its space, cancellation fee will be 50% of the total booth fee if before July 1, 2024. The company is responsible for the full cost after July 1, 2024. The College reserves the right to cancel this contract in any event, on written notice to applicant, if the College considers it inadvisable to hold the Exhibition.

The general rule of the exhibit floor is “be a good neighbor.” The following practices are prohibited by the American College of Toxicology: 1) noisy electrical or mechanical apparatus interfering with other exhibitors; 2) operation of X-ray equipment; 3) scanning attendee badges, canvassing, or distributing any material outside the Exhibitor’s own booth in the Exhibit Hall; 4) subleasing or sharing of exhibit space; 5) the use of billboard advertisements and/or display of signs outside the exhibit area; 6) soliciting participation in surveys or otherwise harassing registrants; 7) publicizing and/or maintaining any extracurricular activities, inducements, demonstrations, or displays away from the exhibit area during the meeting and exhibit hours; 8) the wearing of unofficial badges, company nameplates, etc.; 9) photographing or examining another Exhibitor’s equipment without permission; 10) the playing of copyrighted music without the proper licensing. 11) Prize drawings are permitted; ACT must approve prizes in advance. 12) Use of live animals during the ACT Annual Meeting and Exhibition is strictly prohibited; 13) images of animals in distress in booth displays or marketing materials.  The use of open audio systems is discouraged. Requests to use an open audio system must be approved by the Executive Director, and Exhibitor must agree to discontinue its use if the sound level is deemed to be objectionable to the registrants or adjacent Exhibitors. Exhibitors are requested to staff their exhibits during show hours with personnel attired in a manner consistent with the decorum of the meeting as well as knowledgeable in the products and policies of the company. Exhibitor agrees to promptly remove from its exhibit space any person or thing that the College determines not to be suitable or in keeping with the character of the exhibition. Relevant portions of the foregoing prohibited practices are applicable to non-exhibitors at all times.

Exhibitors utilizing independent contractors must provide the College with a certificate of insurance of not less than US $1,000,000 by October 30, 2024. All certificates of insurance must name the American College of Toxicology and the JW Marriott as additional insured. Exhibitors must operate and maintain their exhibit so that no injury will result to any person or property. Every reasonable precaution is taken by the exhibition location and the College to safeguard and protect the Exhibitors’ property while at the exhibition. Exhibitors are encouraged to take out a portal-to-portal rider available at a nominal cost on their own insurance policy. This will protect them against loss through theft, fire, damage, etc. for their merchandise and displays while in transit and while at the exhibition.

Exhibitor assumes entire responsibility and hereby agrees to protect, indemnify, defend, and hold the American College of Toxicology, the JW Marriott Hotel (hereinafter referred to as "Center") and its employees and agents harmless against all claims, losses, and damages to persons or property, government charges or fines, and attorneys’ fees arising out of or caused by Exhibitor’s installation, removal, maintenance, occupancy, or use of the exhibition premises or a part thereof, excluding any such liability caused by the negligence of the Center, its employees and agents. In addition, the Exhibitor acknowledges that the American College of Toxicology and the Center do not maintain insurance covering Exhibitor’s property and that it is the sole responsibility of the Exhibitor to obtain business interruption and property damage insurance covering such losses by the Exhibitor. The College and the Center shall take reasonable precautions against damage or loss by fire, water, storm, theft or strikes or other emergencies, but do not guarantee or ensure the Exhibitor against loss by reason thereof. Force Majeure: In case the premises of the Center shall be destroyed or damaged, or if the show fails to take place as scheduled or is interrupted and/or discontinued, or access to the premises is prevented or interfered with by demonstration, reason of any strike, lockout, injunction, act of war, act of God, epidemic, pandemic, emergency declared by any government agency or by the College or for any other reason, this exhibit space application/contract may be terminated by the College. In the event of such termination, the Exhibitor waives any and all damages and claims for damages and agrees that the sole liability of the College shall be of returning to each Exhibitor the space payment less the prorated share of all costs and expenses incurred and committed by the College.

No volatile or flammable fluids, substances, or materials of any nature prohibited by local ordinances, the Fire Prevention Bureau, or insurance carriers may be used in any booth. The use of crepe or corrugated paper is strictly prohibited.

1) Each Exhibitor is charged with knowledge of all laws, ordinances, and regulations pertaining to health, fire prevention, and public safety while participating in this show. Compliance with such laws is mandatory for all Exhibitors and the sole responsibility of the Exhibitor. 2) Materials used in all parts of exhibit construction, together with curtains, draperies, and other decorative materials must be flameproof as prescribed by the fire ordinance of the city. The Fire Marshal will examine all exhibits and test construction and decorative materials prior to the opening of the exhibit. No combustible material such as crepe paper, tissue paper, cardboard or corrugated paper or board shall be used in, or about, or in the construction of any exhibit or part of an exhibit at any time. 3) Nothing shall be posted, tacked, nailed, screwed, or otherwise attached to columns, walls, floors, or other parts of the building or furniture. Distribution of promotional gummed stickers or labels is strictly prohibited. Anything necessary or proper for the protection of the building, equipment, or furniture will be at the expense of the Exhibitor. 4) No Exhibitor may allow an article to be brought into or permit any act to be done in the Center that will increase the premiums or void policies of insurance held by the College. No Exhibitor may permit any act by its employees, agents, or guests by which the premises of the Center shall in any manner be marred or defaced. 5) Each Exhibitor must surrender the space occupied by it in the same condition as at the commencement of its occupation. Any damage done to the premises by the Exhibitor shall be made good to the College or the Center as their interests may appear. THIRD-PARTY CONTRACTORS (Exhibitor Appointed Contractor): Exhibiting companies wishing to utilize the services of third-party contractors must notify the College and the official General Service Contractor (GSC) with the appropriate forms (found in the Exhibitor Service Manual) and return to the College and GSC by October 25, 2024. If the College and GSC do not receive this form by the deadline, it will be assumed that your company will use the services of the GSC. All exhibitors or appointed representatives are responsible for their paperwork. If exhibitors choose to use vendors other than the official vendors listed in the Exhibitor Service Manual and the General Service Contractor, it is the exhibitor's responsibility to remind all non-official contractors that there is NO SOLICITATION allowed in the exhibit hall or meeting rooms of the Center/Hotel during the ACT Annual Meeting.

Exhibits will be installed Sunday, November 17, 2:00 PM–6:30 PM. Every effort will be made by the official service contractor to have all exhibit material in the booth and ready for set up at the initial time of installation of exhibits. Exhibits must be set by 6:30 PM on Sunday, November 17, 2024.


Monday, November 18

9:30 AM–6:30 PM

5:00 PM–6:30 PM: Poster Reception

Tuesday, November 19

8:00 AM–4:30 PM

8:00 AM–9:00 AM: Breakfast Reception in Exhibit Hall

4:30 PM–6:30 PM Exhibitor Booth and Poster Dismantle

Dismantling occurs Tuesday, November 19, 2024 at 4:30 PM–6:30 PM (overtime rates apply). All material must be packed, ready, and removed from the exhibit area by 6:30 PM on November 19, 2024. The exhibitor shall be liable for all storage and handling charges for failure to remove exhibit by the specified time and date.

Exhibitors will be provided with an 8’ high back drape, 3’ high side drape, 6’ draped table, 2 chairs, 1 wastebasket, if requested, a 7" x 44" Standard Booth Identification Sign and booth number floor stickers, per 8’x10’ booth rented. The display should be in good taste and in keeping with the general tone of the show. The display should not interfere with or detract from adjoining exhibits. These provisions are subject to enforcement at the discretion of Show Management. Linear booths must confine their exhibits to not more than 8’ high along the back wall and no more than 4’ high along the side rail. However, linear exhibits may be structured above the side rail if the structure extends no more than 4’ forward from the back of the booth. Exceptions must be approved in writing by Show Management. Exposed and unfinished sides of the exhibit background must be draped to present an attractive appearance. In the event the Exhibitor is not available, the decorator, with the approval of Show Management, will provide draping deemed necessary and charge the Exhibitor. The exhibit hall is carpeted. Exhibitors will not be required to provide floor covering in their booth space, but may rent booth carpet through the General Service Contractor if they so choose. OFFICIAL GSC: The official General Service Contractor (GSC) is Alliance Exposition Services. The GSC is selected for quality of service and pricing. Prior to the show, an Exhibitor Service Kit will be sent to each Exhibitor and will include information regarding furnishings, shipping and drayage, electrical, telephone, and other services.

Each person attending the exhibit will be required to register and wear an appropriate badge. Two Full Registration Exhibitor badges will be issued per For-profit booth space rented. Nonprofit booths receive one Full Registration badge. These badges will allow Exhibitor staff to enter the exhibit area during exhibit hall hours, and one hour before and after show hours and allow attendance of sessions and other ACT functions. Special badges will be issued for persons installing and dismantling displays. Tickets for special events and CE Courses are an additional charge.


Exhibitors are responsible for obtaining all necessary licenses and permits to use music, photographs, or other copyrighted material. Exhibitors are also responsible for displaying all attributions required for their use of copyrighted material. Exhibitors are liable for and shall indemnify, defend and hold the College, its directors, officers, employees and agents, harmless from all loss, claims, causes of action, suits, damages, liability, expenses, and costs, including attorney’s fees, arising from or out of any violation or infringement (or alleged violation or infringement) by exhibitor, its agents or employees, of any patent, copyright, trademark or other mark, trade secret rights or privileges. 

Exhibitors or their agents shall not display or offer for sale any counterfeit product, nor shall they display, offer for sale, or advertise any products that bear the name, logo, mark, symbol or other indicia of origin of an organization or entity for which a licensing program exists, unless such display has been authorized by the respective license holder and/or its licensing agent. In the event that the College believes that an exhibitor has violated the licensing agreement, the organizer shall be entitled to request removal of the unauthorized product. In the event that the College is found liable for any licensing or infringement violation that arises from or relates to an exhibitor’s actions, that exhibitor agrees to indemnify the College.

These Rules and Regulations are deemed part of the exhibit space contract.
Any and all matters not specifically covered by the Rules and Regulations shall be subject solely to the decision of the College. The College shall have full power to interpret, amend, and enforce these Rules and Regulations, provided any amendments, when made, are brought to the notice of Exhibitors. Each Exhibitor, for itself, its employees, and agents agree to abide by the Rules and Regulations and by any amendments or additions thereto in conformance with the preceding sentence. Rules and regulations are subject to change.

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