Exhibitor-Hosted Programs 

  • Exhibitor-Hosted Programs (EHPs) are commercially supported talking tox, educational sessions held in conjunction with other Scientific Sessions and events during the ACT Annual Meeting.
  • Each Exhibitor-Hosted Program, lasting 55 minutes, adopts a theater-style format in a room at the JW Marriott Hotel, accommodating approximately 50 attendees. The sessions are accessible to all ACT Annual Meeting Attendees.
  • Applications for hosting EHPs are reviewed on a rolling basis by the ACT Education and Program Committee, with the submission deadline set for July 14, 2024, or until all available timeslots are filled.
  • Exhibiting organizations and Platinum Level Annual Meeting Supports are eligible to host an EHP.

Application Information

The content presented in the EHP must be well-balanced, grounded in sound scientific principles, and offer attendees an objective perspective. Evaluation of EHP proposals will focus on their capacity to deliver educational content distinct from the official ACT Annual Meeting program, and ACT cannot guarantee avoidance of overlap with other Exhibitor-Hosted Programs. Approval of applications rests with the chairs of the ACT Education and Program Committee, and room assignments will follow the order of application receipt.

There is no application fee. Host organizations selected to present an Exhibitor-Hosted Program will be assessed $1,500 for each approved session and are limited to one session per exhibitor. Completed applications are approved and rooms are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis, with a deadline for application set on July 14, 2024. If spots remain available after this date, exhibiting organizations and previously approved Platinum Annual Meeting Supporters may request an additional session.

Rules & Regulations

1. The American College of Toxicology's name and logo are the exclusive property of, and trademarked by, the American College of Toxicology (ACT). Aside from the approved wording, the ACT name, insignia, logo, acronym, or any reference to the ACT scientific meeting may not be used in mailing pieces, signs, advertising, or promotions in any media or on descriptive product literature either inside or outside of the exhibit area, before, or after the meeting without written consent of ACT.
2. ACT reserves the right to review all mailings and other promotional items and activities employed to publicize any EHP to take place over the official conference dates. All brochures, invitations, announcements, posters, agendas, speaker descriptions, evaluations, postcards, website listings, other promotional and meeting materials, and enduring materials must be approved by ACT before printing or release.
3. ACT prohibits the distribution of any meeting announcements or promotional materials within the Annual Meeting affiliated facility. Hotel room drops must be arranged through ACT (additional fees apply). Promotion from within your company's exhibit booth is permitted.
4. Sessions are limited to 55 minutes per session and will be set for approximately 50 people.
5. The use of hazardous materials and live animal testing during the sessions is prohibited. Results of studies in which animal experimentation was involved must have been carried out following the College's criteria for the care and use of animals in research.
6. Only the approved hosting company can be promoted during this program; no other company or consultancy can be verbally or graphically promoted in the presentation.
7. Deadline for submission is July 14, 2024.
8. Full payment is due upon acceptance of the application. If payment is not received by July 21, 2024, the program will be canceled.
9. Application for an EHP signifies that you agree to comply with the financial, administrative, and other responsibilities associated with this meeting. All EHP requests are subject to the approval of ACT.
10. Cancellations must be submitted to ACT in writing via letter, email, or fax by July 21, 2024  to receive a refund. Refund is subject to a $100 administrative fee.
If the above rules are not adhered to in full, ACT reserves the right to cancel the event at any time. 

Marketing & Promotions Guidelines

Exhibitor-Hosted Programs will be promoted as part of the Annual Meeting via listing in the event App, on the ACT website, an email broadcast message promoting all approved EHPs, and via signs at the live meeting.

In addition to the promotional support offered by ACT, EHP hosts also have the option of purchasing a dedicated email broadcast message to be sent to registered attendees, cost is $1,000. If interested, please check this option on the application form. One sign will be placed in the corridor with a complete listing of that day's EHPs.

Host organizations are provided one sign positioned outside the Exhibitor-Hosted Session room up to 60 minutes before the session's commencement and will be removed immediately after its conclusion. The placement of signs is subject to the discretion of ACT Event Management.

One sign may be displayed in the host organization's exhibit booth.

All flyers related to the Exhibitor-Hosted Program are restricted to distribution in the host organization's booth. Personnel or agents are not permitted to distribute any literature associated with the session on-site beyond the confines of the organization's exhibit booth.

Exhibitor-Hosted Program Schedule:

Sunday, November 17, 12:00 Noon—12:55 PM - Filled
Tuesday, November 19, 12:00 Noon—12:55 PM - Filled
Wednesday, November 20, 12:00 Noon—12:55 PM - Filled
Five (5) timeslots each day for five concurrent programs per day. 55 minutes per program.

These program slots are expected to fill very quickly. For more information or to request an EHP application, please email the Exhibits Manager or 703.547.0875 ext. 1423.

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