  • Booth: V919

Fetura CLOUD – an advanced tool for monitoring and managing your pig farm. Coordinate your pig farm in a better, more efficient, and more productive way thanks to Fetura CLOUD. Our solutions are perfect for those who wish to take organising work, caring for the animals and feeding them to another level. There are already dozens of satisfied breeders who use our technology in everyday operations while managing their farms and herds. Join them and find out how easy running a farm can be! You can access information about your herd or each animal anytime you need. A smart software created with running a farm in mind will keep you informed, help you make the right decisions, and support you in taking care of your herd. So embrace the possibilities offered by modern technology, stay up to date with the latest trends in animal husbandry, and run your farm with maximum efficiency. Fetura CLOUD is not just a work tool – it’s a new standard in pork farming, as well as in feeding and caring for the animals. www.feturacloud.com