North Breeze Solutions LLC

Joel Nash
United States
  • Booth: V1026

We provide systems and components for air filtration and climate control. Our initial product is our "Toggle2Seal" air filter racks that make it easy to maintain V-Bank filters in a way that compresses the filter gasket so as to prevent air leaks. Our rack includes a pre-filter rack which makes it easy to change pre-filters while protecting filters from rodents. Our long-term is to use thermal energy from the sun to power low-operating-cost heating and cooling systems for agricultural producers, initially focusing on pork producers. By reducing the operating cost for air conditioning we enable a new breed of ventilation and climate-control systems that, for pork producers: - Eliminate animal heat stress - Eliminate unfiltered air from entering so as to reduce virus outbreaks (such as PRRS) - Reduce filter maintenance cost - Improve air-flow uniformity to eliminate poor air quality - Eliminate moisture-caused building decay