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FleetCross is the industry-leading tool for medium- and heavy-duty part numbers and cross-references, labor times and repair information.

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MOTOR TruSpeed Repair is a vehicle service and repair solution that allows for out-of-the-box deployment for a faster time-to-market.


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Get up-to-date OEM service & repair data

MOTOR TruTech is a cost-effective service information solution that provides up-to-date vehicle service and repair data to customers within days of being published by the OEMs.



 Wherever you fit in the automotive ecosystem, we have data solutions for you.

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Customer Testimonials

"Voice assistants in shops are a fairly new solution. As we build a custom assistant for the workforce, we wanted to use the most trusted resource provider in the industry–MOTOR–to establish trust with technicians from the beginning, so they knew they were getting certified answers from a dependable source of information. MOTOR shares our enthusiasm in transforming automotive data to the next generation of technicians." - Kim Conti, Vice President of product for RAIN Agency, the parent company for Ortho

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