• Our team at Red Sun Farms regularly accesses the information provided on www.AndNowUKnow.com The site keeps our team members connected to our rapidly changing industry, the stories are informative, educational, and presented in an entertaining format. I personally look forward to daily emails—they are…

    Jim DiMenna, President, Red Sun Farms

  • “For years, The Snack has been one of my go-to resources for insightful articles and industry leader perspectives. I appreciate the diverse topics covered, from showcasing innovative new products to in-depth dives into relevant issues. And AndNowUKnow (ANUK) doesn't miss a beat in the industry. ANUK's daily insights…

    Julie Olivarria, Vice President, Merchandising Manager Produce, Canned and Frozen, Sysco

  • I really enjoy both The Snack and the daily ANUK emails. They truly are 'bite-sized' pieces of valuable information from across our very broad and diverse industry! Quick and easy to read during the hectic workdays, all while not minimizing the impact of the content.

    Chris Keetch, Director, Produce & Floral, The GIANT Company

  • Thank you for the great press today! We were pleasantly surprised to have emails from retailers and food service distributors waiting for our salesman on his computer when he got in this morning. Your story [about our Red Walnuts] has already generated sales today - DAY #1, and we have more follow up to do this week. We could have never reached…

    Ron Sanguinetti Jr, Owner, Sanguinetti Family Farms

  • In this business we are all starved for time. AndNowUKnow is a quick read and reliable source to keep me updated on the latest news in the produce industry.

    Chris Dove, Director of Produce Category & Merchandising, Food Lion