Sunkist Research/Technical Services

United States
  • Booth: 3003

Sunkist has a long history - successful for over 126 years.  Through its comprehensive Research & Development, Sunkist has led the industry with the latest in developments and technology- reducing packer costs and increasing profits.  Sunkist Research & Technical Services houses expertise in fruit and vegetable packing, sorting, conditioning, sanitizing, carton fillers, storage and transportation.  From request to concept, engineeting, production & manufacturing, Sunkist can do it all for you. 

 Additional Info

Additional Languages Spoken In Booth:
Japanese, Spanish
Imports From:
Asia, Australia/New Zealand, Europe, Mexico/South and Central America, North America excluding Mexico, Oceana/South Pacific
Exports To:
Asia, Australia/New Zealand, Canada, Europe, Mexico/South & Central America, North America excluding Mexico, Oceana/South Pacific

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