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Isn’t it time to make a Comeback?

Home Post-Stroke Therapy with a dedicated Therapist, via video visit.

A happy couple, hugging

Why choose Neurofenix for Stroke Therapy?

Why choose Neurofenix for Stroke Therapy? Coming back after a stroke is hard, but it’s completely possible through our advanced neuro rehab with a telehealth therapist using the NeuroBall and tracking software for lower and upper limb therapy.

Access to experienced Occupational Therapists

No travel time, no transportation burden

Available 24/7 from the comfort of your home

Tailored remote neuro-rehabilitation fully covered by Medicare.

Learn why choose us
A man exercising with NeuroBall device during a stroke therapy session.

Understanding at-home neurorehabilitation?

At-home neurorehabilitation is the concept of using technology to provide rehabilitation services remotely, in the comfort of one's own home. This approach allows individuals to continue their therapy and exercises outside of a traditional clinic setting, which can be beneficial for those with mobility issues or transportation limitations.

The NeuroBall device, which is used in the upper limb stroke therapy program.

Stroke Therapy Technology

Our stroke therapy programs use advance stroke therapy technology to help patients recover. It includes a tool called the NeuroBall™, along with videos and home exercise plans for both upper and lower body. This approach helps patients improve their movement and work toward regaining their independence, all from the comfort of their own home.

A man with a carer

Comprehesnive Stroke Recovery with NeuroBall Technology

Our technology goes beyond physical recovery, offering multifaceted support that addresses rehabilitation's cognitive, emotional, and social aspects. Our method can be exactly what you need to restore confidence, improve mood, and facilitate socialization, all of which are vital components of a holistic recovery plan. By recognizing and catering to the diverse needs of patients, at-home stroke therapy programs play a pivotal role in restoring function and enhancing the overall quality of life.

Make a Comeback

Medicare Covered Label

Medicare covered

We offer tailored remote neuro-rehabilitation fully covered by Medicare

A man performing physical activity during a stroke therapy session.

At-Home stroke Therapy

Our therapy services are clinically proven to help with post-stroke recovery.

Neurofenix Stroke Therapy Clinical Team

Therapy Experts

Available remotely, 7 days a week via texts and video visits to coach & inspire

Make a Comeback today

Real experiences,
real Comebacks

Portrait of Valerie, the Patient

“It’s really good, the first couple of weeks I was able to zip up a coat! I like doing exercises with it, it makes me do it and it is in a format that I enjoy, since I like games.”

Valerie, Stroke Patient

See testimonials

Your Comeback starts with the remote stroke therapy program Program.