Summation Research, Inc.

Melbourne,  FL 
United States
  • Booth: 912

Summation Research (SRI) range and satellite telemetry equip

SRI is an engineering and manufacturing company providing range and satellite telemetry, telemetry simulation and test equipment, and communication products to defense, government and commercial markets worldwide.

SRI announces the RM-6322 Multi-Band RF Transmitter and Test Signal Simulator. The RM-6322 TSS supports single and dual RF outputs, each independently tunable in the satellite and telemetry bands between 300 and 5300 MHz. The RM-6322 TSS includes programmable Doppler, Fade, Automated BER testing, and other advanced test and simulation capabilities:

  • Test Receivers at P, CIF, L, S, C1, or C2 Bands 
  • Supports all common Range and Satellite modulation formats
  • Test and align multi-band feeds
  • PRN Pattern generation and BER measurements
  • Dual output for testing multiple channels simultaneously
  • Support for LDPC and STC testing

Brands: Summation Research, Inc. SRI

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