Ontario Fire Academy

  • Booth: 1718

Welcome! Visit us at the OAFC in Booth #1417 🔥👩‍🚒👨‍🚒🚒

The Ontario Fire Academy (OFA) is a leading academy dedicated to providing comprehensive and innovative firefighting and emergency services training in Ontario. Established with the goal of creating highly skilled professionals, the academy offers basic firefighting skills to advanced rescue operations and fire prevention strategies.

At OFA, we believe in combining well-equipped facilities, experienced instructors, and a collaborative learning environment to deliver unparalleled training experiences. Our curriculum is designed to align with NFPA standards, ensuring our graduates are well-prepared to face real-world challenges.
OFA's campus boasts modern classrooms and practical training grounds that allow for hands-on learning experiences. We offer both residential and online programs to accommodate various learning preferences and schedules.

Through a commitment to excellence in education and fostering a supportive community, OFA aims to develop skilled, confident, and compassionate professionals who make a lasting impact in their communities.

Join us at OFA to embark on a rewarding career in firefighting and emergency services.

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