Phantech is your one-stop shop for innovative and customizable preclinical and clinical phantoms.
Phantech (Phantom Technology) designs, engineers and builds innovative and customizable phantom technology for the quality control/assurance, calibration, characterization and correction of biomedical imaging modalities including PET, SPECT, CT, MRI, optical (FL/BLI), MPI, and radioluminescence. Phantech serves the worldwide biomedical imaging field with the mission to provide the imaging community with innovative phantom technology in order to drive more accurate, streamlined and standardized quantitative and quality management procedures. As a team of molecular imaging researchers, biomedical engineers and imaging scientists, Phantech understands the needs of our customers, because we develop and apply our technology in our own imaging and therapy facilities every day! For example, we have developed a patented linear filling technology to overcome the presence of bubbles that compromise the accuracy of medical images, and we apply this concept and similar novel methodologies to other phantom designs such as our partial volume correction phantoms. Recently, Phantech has translated these key technologies from our preclinical to our clinical phantoms.
If you are a biomedical imaging system manufacturer, Phantech would like to partner with you! Phantech will create a customizable set of phantoms for your imaging system and your customers. See more information here.
Brands: Linear channel Derenzo phantom, partial volume correction phantoms, gradient phantoms
Filling of Phantech's linear channel hot rod derenzo phantoms in less than 1 minute
Filling Phantech's Partial Volume Correction Phantom in less than 1min with no air bubbles!