Center of Molecular Research Ltd.

Russian Federation
  • Booth: 1331, 1327

Center of Molecular Research, CMR is a Russian isotope production company, which is included into the group of companies, founded in 1993. By now our company is one of the world's largest manufacturers and suppliers of Oxygen-18 water and other stable isotopes worldwide.

For more than twenty years Center of Molecular Research has been a reliable supplier of isotopes for our customers in different spheres basically nuclear medicine, sciences and industry. Our product list includes various stable isotopes as Heavy water (D2O), Xe-124, Te-124, Ni-64, Tl-203 and some other specific radioactive isotopes.

CMR is the manufacturer of GMP certified stable isotope Oxygen-18 water and a wide range of reagent kits, chemicals for PET-tomography. 

CMR is ready to accept orders for almost full range of isotope elements of Periodic Table.

We offer high quality products due to the fact that manufacture process totally complies with applicable international standards as well as national and is certified by GMP authorities.
Our smart logistics allows us to handle your business wisely.

Please, visit our web-site for more information –

Brands: CMR

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