Nuclear Medicine Europe

  • Booth: NP4

Nuclear Medicine Europe represents many of the major pharmaceutical & Imaging equipment companies in the field of Nuclear Medicine in Europe. The combination of radiopharmaceuticals & state-of-the-art imaging permits non-invasive visualization of organs, function & structure within the body. Nuclear medicine is used in the diagnosis, management, treatment & prognosis of diseases across a broad range of medical specialties, such as oncology, cardiovascular & neurology to name a few and as such is an integral part of patient care.

Nuclear medicine is unique in being able to diagnose early detection of disease and permit early treatment before the progression of disease improving the prognosis for the patient. Nuclear Medicine Europe provides a wide scope of services & partnerships on behalf of our members. We maintain close contact with EU Commission, politicians, the European Medicines Agency, academia & the media. We also have partnerships with key EU Patient associations & other professional bodies in the healthcare field.