Hepatiq Inc.

Irvine,  CA 
United States
  • Booth: 1846

HEPATIQ® -The Ultimate Liver Test™ - provides six indices of liver disease from a single scan including quantitative liver function.

HEPATIQ® -The Ultimate Liver Test™ - provides six indices of liver disease from a single scan: quantitative liver function, steatosis/steatohepatitis, portal hypertension, alcoholic hepatitis, fibrosis stage and variceal size.[1-27]

HEPATIQ is also the only product on the market that precisely and non-invasively quantifies liver function. Other techniques such as biopsies, elastography and blood tests estimate or score liver fibrosis but do not quantify function.

Quantitative liver function (PHM) can be reduced by infections, alcohol and fat buildup that cause the accumulation of fibrosis or scar tissue (whitish regions in the figure). The liver can regenerate new functioning nodules (e.g. the bumps on the surface in the figure), and blood flow to the liver may increase, providing some mitigation.

A large, badly scarred, stiff liver can have normal function (PHM>100)[4] if there are enough functional nodules and adequate blood flow. Once a patient’s PHM drops below 75, they may decompensate, that is, develop clinical problems.[5,6,11,14,19,20,24]

If their PHM falls below 60, they may die if not transplanted soon.[10,15,18]

Brands: Biopsies, elastography and blood tests estimate liver fibrosis. Patient outcomes are determined by residual liver function, not the extent of fibrosis. This was established in the 8 year, prospective, multi-center, NIH sponsored HALT-C trial, which concluded that quantitative liver function may be more accurate than staging fibrosis in predicting clinical outcomes.[5,6] Subsequent research has further confirmed that function outperforms fibrosis in predicting outcomes. [12,13,16,17,21,22,24]

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  • (Feb 04, 2024)

    Now offering a 6 month free trial of HEPATIQ of up to 50 reports worth $4,750.  Simply upload your liver SPECT images to our server using standard platforms such as PowerShare, Citrix or AWS.  Receive the HEPATIQ report within minutes.


    The HEPATIQ report provides six indices of liver disease that are used for diagnosis, staging, interventions, and monitoring disease progression. It includes color-coded serial and differential graphs....

  • The HEPATIQ report provides six indices of liver disease that may be used for diagnosis, staging, interventions, and monitoring disease progression. It includes color-coded serial and differential graphs with green regions indicating normal.  An interpretation of the quantitative indices including a physiologic model of liver disease is provided based on peer-reviewed publications.

    HEPATIQ Indices

    The HEPATIQ report provides six indices of liver disease that may be used for diagnosis, staging, interventions, and monitoring disease progression.

        (1) PHM - Quantitative Liver Function (normal ≥100).  PHM indicates likelihood of liver decompensation.  Patients with PHM < 95 have cirrhosis and a 15-fold increase in the risk of outcomes such as ascites, variceal bleeding, hepatic encephalopathy, and death.[4,5,6,10,15,16,18,19,20,24] 

        (2) fLV - Liver Volume (7 ≤ normal < 12).  fLV indicates steatotic liver disease when high and shrinking functional volume when low.[8,11,14,21,22,23] 

        (3) fSV - Spleen Volume (normal < 2.5).  fSV provides a non-invasive measure of portal hypertension.[5,6,10,12,13,15,19,20]  May be used for assessing a transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS). 

        (4) HAI - Alcoholic Index (normal > -0.1).  HAI indicates alcoholic hepatitis when low.[10,15,18,19,20,23,24] 

        (5) eFS - Fibrosis Stage (normal = 0, range 0 to 6).  eFS estimates fibrosis stage and correlates with Ishak fibrosis.[5,6]

        (6) eEV - Esophageal Varices (normal =0, range 0 to 3).  eEV estimates presence and size of esophageal varices and the risk of bleeding.[5,6]

    Differential Diagnostics

    (1)  PHM and fLV can be used to differentiate steatohepatitis and non-steatotic cirrhosis.[8,10,11,14,21,22]  

    (2) PHM and fLV reflect intrahepatic hemodynamics allowing differentiation of acute and chronic liver disease.[6,8,10,11,25] 

    (3) PHM and fSV can be used to differentiate infiltrative spleen disease and cirrhotic portal hypertension.[6,12,15,19] 

    (4) HAI and fLV allow differentiation of alcoholic steatohepatitis (ASH) and metabolic dysfunction-associated steatohepatitis (MASH).[8,10,14,18,21,22,23] 

    Physiologic Stage

    HEPATIQ also provides a physiologic model of liver disease [1-27]:

                  H0          Normal liver function.                                                                

                  H1          Severe acute liver disease.                                                       

                  H2          Steatotic liver disease.                                                              

                  H3          Compensated cirrhosis.                                                           

                  H4          Decompensated cirrhosis.                                                        

                  H5          Liver transplant candidate.                                           

    Subscripts further indicate:  (p) portal hypertension, (s) spleen infiltration, and (a) alcolohic hepatitis.  

    Managing Disease Progression

    (1)  Interventions: For HCC patients being considered for radioembolization or chemotherapy, PHM indicates possibility of post-intervention liver failure.[6,10,13,15]

    (2)  Transplantation: For patients with severe liver disease but MELD score not high enough for transplant priority, low PHM may be used to justify a MELD exception for liver transplantation.[6,10,15,18] 

    (3)  Therapy: PHM provides objective monitoring of the efficacy of pharmacological, radiological or surgical therapies for the underlying causes of liver disease.[6,10,15,18,24]

    (4)  Vigilance: HEPATIQ can provide early detection of progressive liver disease prompting a vigilant evaluation for complications.[24,25]