T109 - Improving Program Integrity Through Data Sharing – Leveraging Centralized Data

  • Room: Atrium Ballroom B
  • Session Number:T109
Thursday,September 19, 2024:1:10 PM -2:00 PM


David Zavada CPA
Senior Partner
Kearney & Company
Dominique McCreary
Bureau of the Fiscal Service, Office of Payment Integrity
Fredy Diaz
Chief Data Officer
Jim Garner
Administrator of the Office of Unemployment Insurance
U.S. Department of Labor
Renata Miskell
Deputy Assistant Secretary (Accounting Policy and Financial Transparency)
U.S. Department of the Treasury


The fraud and improper payments associated with pandemic relief programs underscored the need for more data sharing among federal and state agencies and outside sources. Join us to discuss options for sensible sharing and the necessary privacy protections to improve program integrity. This session will cover the challenges, incremental solutions, and pathway to greater program integrity.

Key Take-aways

Key Takeaways:
• The AGA IG Survey has highlighted data sharing in the oversight community for over 10 years.
• Recent attention from the PRAC, along with special IG authority, has helped advance possibilities for data sharing in the government that can improve program integrity.
• Despite challenges, program managers and oversight professionals have discovered incremental solutions for greater program integrity in the future.

Learning Objectives

Understand challenges and solutions related to data sharing in government agencies. Gain insights from successful data sharing in federal agencies to enlighten your efforts to improve program integrity.
