F110 -AI Can Enhance Government Infrastructure
- Room: Atrium Ballroom B
- Session Number:F110
Friday,September 20, 2024:1:10 PM -2:00 PM
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Department of State are developing their approach to using AI to detect vulnerabilities, enhance collaboration, recruit top talent, and protect rights and privacy. Their initial steps offer numerous insights for accountability professionals.
Key Take-aways
Key Takeaways:
• AI can supplement and enhance existing tools to detect fraud more effectively.
• Practitioners need to understand collaboration strategies for engagement with domestic and international partners.
• Ethical AI deployment should drive innovative and responsible use of AI.
Learning Objectives
Understand how AI can enrich vulnerability detection and remediation in critical government software, systems and networks. Explore DHS strategies for collaborations on AI and critical infrastructure security. Learn about the AI Corps initiative and its impact on DHS mission areas, particularly privacy, civil rights, and civil liberties.