Richard Mitchell

Assistant Inspector General of Operations
Baltimore City Office of the Inspector General


Richard E. Mitchell is the Assistant Inspector General of Operations (AIGO) for the Baltimore City Office of the Inspector General (OIG). Richard has an extensive investigations background with over 35 years of service between his time with the Department of Defense, several major retailers, the Baltimore City Public School system, and now with the OIG.

Before his current role with the OIG, Richard was an OIG Special Agent, OIG Senior Special Agent, OIG Lead Agent, and Assistant Inspector General of Investigations. In those roles, Richard was responsible for completing complex investigations regarding allegations of fraud, waste, and abuse of City of Baltimore resources while mentoring and leading other OIG Special Agents.

As the Assistant Inspector General of Operations (AIGO), Richard E. Mitchell is entrusted with many responsibilities. He administers and manages the OIG Hotline Program and its staff, conducts whistleblower investigations and training, creates policies and procedures for the OIG Evaluation Program, audits the OIG case management system, and drafts and amends the OIG policies and procedures manuals.

Richard is a Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE), a Certified Economic Crime Forensic Examiner (CECFE), and a Certified Inspector General Investigator (CIGI). Richard also has a master’s degree in legal studies and a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice administration.


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