M118: More Ethical Dilemmas—You Make the Calls

  • Room: Platinum 1-2
  • Session Number:M118
Monday, July 18, 2022: 2:05 PM - 3:20 PM

Dave Cotton
Former Chairman & AGA Ethics Board Member
Melinda DeCorte CGFM, CPA
AGA's Professional Ethics Board


If you said to a group of government accountability professionals, “raise your hand if you’re ethical,” every hand would go up.  Why, then, do we have ethical failures?  One answer is that not everyone recognizes it when confronted with an ethical dilemma. Another answer is that not everyone can agree on the “right” course of action to take in every situation.  This interactive webinar will explore several potential ethical dilemmas vis-à-vis AGA’s Code of Ethics to determine how and why trained and experienced government accountability professionals sometimes run afoul of our ethics principles.

Learning Objectives

In this interactive webinar, you will:

- Become more familiar with AGA’s Code of Ethics and understand how it can help you remain ethical.
- Get an overview of AGA’s ethics enforcement process and see the results of recent ethics investigations.
- Learn about AGA’s ethics inquiry process and see the results of recent inquiries.
- Get an overview of AGA’s Ethics Hub resources page.
- Evaluate several hypothetical ethical dilemmas, assess whether they can result in a violation of AGA’s Code of Ethics, and weigh in with your views about each situation.