M119: Words Matter

  • Room: Grand E
  • Session Number:M119
Monday, July 18, 2022: 2:05 PM - 3:20 PM

Caitlin McGurn CPA,PMP,CISA
Lance Robertson
Former US Assistant Secretary for Aging
HHS Administration for Community Living
Mary Peterman MPA, CGFM, CPA
Controller, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation


Our words hold power. What we choose to say and how we choose to say it is critical to what we really communicate to others. Since we don’t always use our words effectively and sometimes ignore considerations of equity when speaking or writing to influence others, it’s time for change. 

Key Take-aways

• The pandemic cast light on disparities in communications that left certain consituencies uninformed about important policies and opportunities.
• Since communication barriers stem from differences in language, culture, access, technology and more, we must find equitable solutions to close information gaps and give everyone access to information.

Learning Objectives

Understand the power of our words. Explore ways to improve access to information and develop equity-based communications for change.