M126: Prepare for Recovery

  • Room: Grand G-K
  • Session Number:M126
Monday, July 18, 2022: 4:00 PM - 4:50 PM

Bradley Dreyer CDFM
Kearney & Company
Renee Cooper
Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary for Grants
HHS Office of Grants
Terri Ricks
Deputy Secretary of the Dept. of Children and Family Services
State of Louisiana


Explore the importance of preparedness and good data to deliver equitable recovery programs. Our expert panel will delve into ideas for organizational preparedness, meeting challenges in program setup, and dealing with data from its capture, management and analysis to sharing and reporting information from it for programs.

Key Take-aways

• What we learned firsthand over the past couple years applies to emerging crises to come.
• Preparations for the future will ready us to conduct relief efforts through better data usage and program execution that is effective, efficient, expeditious and equitable.

Learning Objectives

Understand implications of agency preparedness in the implementation of pandemic recovery programs and related challenges and successes. Examine methods of data collection, management and analysis to support programs and decision-making, check compliance, and improve reporting. Consider impacts of data access and utilization on program implementation with implications beyond the pandemic.