T127: How Does Congress Manage Its Budget?

  • Room: Grand A-D
  • Session Number:T127
Tuesday, July 19, 2022: 2:35 PM - 3:25 PM

Cheryl Johnson
Clerk of the U. S. House of Representatives
U.S. House
Peggy Javery MPA, CGFM
Associate Chief Financial Officer, Office of Compliance
U.S. Dept of Agriculture-Rural Development


Congress holds the “power of the purse” to develop and manage an annual operations budget. Learn from the U.S. Clerk of the House about budget requests for salaries and programs for the very body that acts upon legislative agendas. A sound budget will contend with changes in legislative priorities.

Key Take-aways

• Congress manages its own operating budget.
• Budget limitations and unforeseen funding issues affect Congressional operations.
• Congress is accountable to constituents for the impact of their actions in the nation.

Learning Objectives

Examine the budget process to maintain the "Power of the Purse" and manage Congressional funding requirements. Explore ways the legislative agenda and new legislation affect the budget process. Delve into inherent and emerging budget limitations, and understand how accountability to constituents impacts the budget.