T133: Less Talk, More Action in Budget Reform

  • Room: Grand E
  • Session Number:T133
Tuesday, July 19, 2022: 4:05 PM - 4:55 PM

C. Michelle Bryan
Deputy Director, Resource Management
U.S Department of Homeland Security
Dorothy Bell
Branch Chief for the Budget LoB Program Management Office
Department of Education
Francisco Rodriguez
Senior Manager
Greg Brown
Economic Development Administration (EDA), U.S. Department of Commerce


Examine current challenges in budget reform and concepts for innovative, transformative outcomes of true budget reform — and explore strategies and tactical steps to realize them. The session will also cover the importance of Congress and OMB in driving budget reform.

Key Take-aways

Key Takeaways:
• The current federal budgeting framework needs to change.
• Appropriations incentivize agencies to fully utilize their budgets, which can divert focus from optimizing costs.
• An increased emphasis on sustainability presents another transformational trigger in government budgeting.
• Discussions must explore what can be done now and what needs to be done in the future to incentivize optimal spending in agencies and realize true value in federal budgeting.

Learning Objectives

Explore current transformational triggers, such as the appropriation and approval processes, to the budget function and how agencies can navigate these pain points to achieve optimal budgeting outcomes.