W108: Realizing Transformation Utilizing the Audit Lifecycle

  • Room: Grand A-D
  • Session Number:W108
Wednesday, July 20, 2022: 10:30 AM - 11:45 AM

Calandra Layne
Director, Financial Improvement and Audit Remediation (SES)
United States Department of Defense
Demek Adams CGFM
Managing Principal
Eskaton Consulting
Mobola Kadiri CDFM
Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy (Financial Operations)
Dept of the Navy
Sonia Saxena
Branch Chief
Defense Health Agency


Audit remediation are funded efforts designed to achieve a specific outcome of an unmodified opinion. This panel will challenge the notion of an unmodified opinion as the true outcome of audit activities. Could it be an unique opportunity to transform the organization into a risk conscious, agile, resilient, and digital organization that accelerates mission/program impact.

Key Take-aways

• Critical success factors for realizing transformation
• Innovative ways around stakeholder engagement
• Relevant accomplishments that are transferable to your organization

Learning Objectives

• Define key elements of finance transformation
• Understand how you can approach current audit activities with a different lens
• Highlight success stories and new approaches to achieve desired outcome