Eric Philippart

European Commission


Senior Expert for tourism policy at the European Commission (DG GROW – Directorate General Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs). Currently responsible for the EU tourism ecosystem’s monitoring and analysis, contributing to the tourism transition pathway’s definition and leading on relations with third countries (US, China …) & international organisations dealing with tourism (Council of Europe, G20, OECD, UNESCO, UNWTO) . Eric Philippart also held various positions of responsibility within the European Commission on cultural tourism, synergies between tourism and creative / cultural industries and the internationalisation of tourism SMEs.
MA in Government & Economics, MA Political Sciences & International Relations, PhD on forecasting and post-doctorat on European integration at Cambridge University . Having taught in various universities including the College of Europe (1999-2013) and the Université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (2015-18), he still lectures at the Université Libre de Bruxelles. He authored a number of books and articles on international relations and European integration (Transatlantic relations & Euro-Mediterranean Partnership …).


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