Office Address

  • 121 King Street, Australia
  • (00) 2500-123-4567


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Create Beautiful And Permanent Sign

Bepe Sign can claim it is the most internationalized custom sign company in China.
Founded at 2003 in the name of Sinsign, re-organized inthe name of Bepe at 2009. Bepe sign has supplied hotel, QSR sign for nearly 20 years.
Currenly, Bepe has mainly supply IHG greater China area hotel signs, like Crowne Plaza, Holiday Inn & Holiday Inn Express hotels, also Burger King signs in China and APAC, African, Latin American stores.
Bepe has jointly worked with many leading US sign companies, on multinational company rebranding projects, help with sign survey, fabrication, install and future maintenance .

Tel: 86-138-0137-5741
Suite 1-101, Building 3#, Guocebahao A, Liqiao, Shunyi, Beijing, China, Zip 101300


Mr. Gao Yang

Chris, Yang Gao started his sign career from 2000 as a marketing manager of Parisign, McDonald’s then exterior signage supplier of China. At 2003, Chris founded Sinsign, later renamed as Bepesign. Starting from 2007, Chris has visited US ISA sign expo every year, and even showed sign products at ISA expo until 2019, the last show before pandemic. ......

Mr. Wang Weihua

从2004年开始加入标识行业,先后从事过标识的雕刻、设计和销售工作。前期负责过雅高酒店集团旗下多家 宜必思酒店室外标识的设计工作,还参加 过SAS皇家大饭店,香格里拉集团北京嘉里中心大酒店等标识设计和制作。洲际酒店集团方面,他参与过100多家的洲际旗下的酒店项目,品牌涵盖华邑、逸衡、 VOCO、皇冠假日、假日酒店和智选假日 酒店的标识设计和制作项目。王先生熟练 使用PS、AI和autocad软件,主要负责室外标识设计。

Mr. Li renduo

从2006年开始进入标识行业,先后从事过标识的加工制作、现场安 装、标识工艺分解和结构设计工作。 李先生,早年具有金属精密加工的生产经 验,进入标识行业以后,既在生产一线有 实际工艺分解经验,又多次带队在酒店现 场组织安装和疑难标识故障的维修。李先生熟练使用autocad、AI和PS软件,主 要负责室内外标识的工艺设计,标识安装 的结构设计。室内标识的设计。 李先生目前还负责汉堡王中国北方区店面 招牌的维修管理工作。