NutraDrip Irrigation Systems / Netafim

Kurt Grimm
Hiawatha,  KS 
United States
  • Booth: V309

Is manure application a problem for you? NutraDrip has a solution with: . No smell . No runoff . In-season application Ask us how. Manure application under $0.001 per gallon

NutraDrip does one thing: solves problems

Here at NutraDrip, we aren't afraid of problems. In fact, we head towards them because problems are opportunities. In the modern age of agriculture, we know that everything is connected: water scarcity, plant nutrient needs, the future of a farm. These are the things that keep us working hard so that you can do the same.

While we design, install and support subsurface drip irrigation systems (SDI), we are also passionate about the entire system of farming. We are constantly pursuing new solutions for the problems facing precision agriculture: nutrient loss, soil pH, conservation, and integrating all facets of a farm to work together with efficiency.

With this minset we have come to understand that Manure doesn't have to be a waste product. With the right filtration system, you can transform manure into a liquid product to pump back through your drip irrigation system. This allows you to repurpose waste and utilize the nutrients still available for your crop during the growing season.

Brands: Manure doesn't have to be a waste product. With the right filtration system, you can transform manure into a liquid product to pump back through your drip irrigation system. This allows you to repurpose waste and utilize the nutrients still available for your crop during the growing season.