• I trust the information I read from AndNowUKnow. I know this because of our history with them at TLC. When they call and ask for a quote, I am confident that what I say will be shared verbatim. This had been proved time and again. They allow the message to speak for itself and don’t pontificate, take editorial license, or bend the facts to…

    Todd Linsky, Founder, Todd Linsky Consulting

  • I really enjoy both The Snack and the daily ANUK emails. They truly are 'bite-sized' pieces of valuable information from across our very broad and diverse industry! Quick and easy to read during the hectic workdays, all while not minimizing the impact of the content.

    Chris Keetch, Director, Produce & Floral, The GIANT Company

  • ANUK tells me what I want to know, and when I need to know it. The added flare of wit and humor makes it a welcome to sight to see when each newsletter arrives.

    Mimmo Franzone, Director of Produce and Floral, Longo's

  • I find 'AndNowUKnow' a great resource that’s both extremely relevant and timely. It’s a valuable way to stay connected with the rapid pace of business today.

    Mike Orf, Assistant Vice President of Produce Operations, Hy-Vee

  • Our team at Red Sun Farms regularly accesses the information provided on www.AndNowUKnow.com The site keeps our team members connected to our rapidly changing industry, the stories are informative, educational, and presented in an entertaining format. I personally look forward to daily emails—they are…

    Jim DiMenna, President, Red Sun Farms