Welcome to Trasis! We are dedicated to helping the medical community access new radio-labelled therapeutic and diagnostic substances easily and faster
Trasis is specialized in the development and the manufacturing of innovative and high quality radiopharmaceutical equipment.
By carefully listening to professional users and markets trends, Trasis provides practical and reliably designed systems for automated synthesis, dispensing and packaging of radio-pharmaceuticals.
AllinOne is a multiple purpose radiochemistry unit featuring synthesizer, HPLC & reformulation in a single compact box, able to efficiently produce the most complex compounds such as nucleophilic FDopa, Thyrosine, FMT as well as FDG in multiple runs. AllinOne’s versatility also helps researchers address the growing need for new tracers.
MiniAIO is designed for simpler processes and to cost efficiently produce compounds such as FDG, Ga68/Lu177-peptide conjugates or NaF and requires less space in the hot cell.
EasyOne is the latest of the AllinOne family. It has been simplified to the extreme for routine production of most radiometals labelled pharmaceuticals. Compatible with all Ga68 Generators, its ultra-compact design and ease of use are its major assets
Unidose, a high speed dose dispenser dedicated to hospitals, simplifies the procedures and reduces drastically the exposure to the technologists.
Trasis offers custom development services for chemistry, reagents and disposables.
Brands: AllinOne, mini-AIO and EasyOne chemistry synthesizers, Shielding Solutions, Unidose & Quickfill dispensers, Quality Control, Custom Development Services.